Volunteer Registration Form

Please fill out this form completely, then click Save. We will contact you soon to talk about what is involved in leading gleans for Clallam Gleaners. You can go to the Volunteer page learn about our program and its policies.

If you have questions, please email us at info@clallamgleaners.org or call (360) 565-2619. We look forward to seeing you at future gleans!

If you have already registered before, you do not have to register again. If you want to update your contact information, go to the Volunteer page and click on 'Update.' If you have a name change, send an email to clallam@gleanweb.org.

Privacy: Information entered here is used solely by Clallam Gleaners. We do not share, sell or otherwise distribute your personal information.

Cell Phone

Emergency contact (first and last name)
Emergency contact phone number

I have read and understand the Terms of Participation for Volunteers.

I have read and understand the Waiver of Liability for Volunteers.