Donate a crop
If you have extra produce in your yard to donate, please click on the crop donation form! NOTE: If you have donated produce in the past, you do not need to fill out the crop donation form. You are already on our list!
Information for Donors:
Gleaning timeline: The Gleaning Coordinator will post what produce is ripe each week. If a Gleaner is interested in harvesting they are given the phone number of the homeowner/donor. The Gleaner then contacts the homeowner to arrange a convenient glean time.
Types of produce we glean: tree fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs and nuts. Let us know, we might want to glean it!.
Frequently Asked Questions:

Where do my donated fruits and veggies go?Produce goes to local organizations such as Food Banks, Senior Centers, etc. The Gleaners often take a bit home, too.
Should I contact you when my produce is almost ready? Sure! If you do not hear anything from us, please feel free to contact the Gleaning Coordinator a week before your produce is at peak ripeness at 360-565-2619 or at
How do I know if my fruit is good enough? Before contacting us, please cut into the fruit and taste it to make sure it is sweet, ripe but not overripe and free from significant pest damage. For tree fruit, we would like to see at least 3-4 grocery bagfuls on the tree to make sure it is worth the Gleaner's travel time. Due to health concerns, we are not able to harvest fruit up off the ground.
How much fruit do you take? We leave it up to each Gleaner to decide how much they are able to pick. If you still have a lot left on the tree after the first Gleaner has harvested, you can ask the Gleaning Coordinator to arrange a second Gleaner to come and pick.